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Loose Weight by Loosing Waste to Avoid Obesity

Are you someone that struggles with weight loss? Do you go to the gym yet see no results in your weight reduction? Are you having difficulty with planning your meals so that you can achieve your desired weight goal? If you've answered yes to any of these questions enjoy this brief podcast which explains how you can see healthy weight loss by the removal of waste from your body. While it's easier said than done, removing waste from the body when combined with proper eating and exercise is the key to real weight loss and keeping it off for good!

The correct way to achieve proper healthy weight loss is by learning about the body cells and how they function at an intracellular level, eliminating waste on a regular basis, consuming food in a compatible way, and timing your meals strategically. Healthy cells are able to absorb nutrients and release waste. Unhealthy cells have blocked or limited absorption of nutrients and waste stagnation. When cells become unhealthy, many health problems develop, such as poor circulation, varicose veins, autoimmune diseases, high blood pressure and diabetes.

Cell membranes must be cleansed to allow the cell nucleus to produce PGE 1 which are good prostaglandins. Doing this will deliver good circulation and prevent inflammation. If you are familiar with my YouTube channel, you should have learned that blood circulates in the body nine times per minute and that capillary, arterial, and venous blood has a PH of 7.45, which is alkaline. The natural composition of blood is changed when it becomes inundated with toxins, which 80% of the time is due to a poor diet.

When you begin a fitness regimen and/or a weight loss journey, you should develop a habit of avoiding things like refined processed foods, saturated fats, excessive amounts of flesh foods, all dairy products, high homocysteine levels and high oxidized cholesterol. A person can have 98% blockage of an artery in the heart and yet have no cholesterol issues at all. Plaque buildup on the arterial walls is what creates arteriosclerosis and comes from fatty substances being deposited on the walls of arteries. Too much insulin is another contributing factor of plaque buildup on the walls of arteries. People who are diabetic should find out if they are borderline diabetic, insulin sensitive or insulin resistant, because being placed on prescription medication for diabetes prematurely, will lead to excessive insulin levels in the body. You are resistant to insulin when your beta cell receptors are clogged with fats and acids.

As I stated earlier, unhealthy cells cannot absorb any or enough nutrients yet instead, they retain waste. These beta cells require natural nutrient rich insulin. Insulin sensitivity is when you eat a carb or a sugar, and your sugar level spikes above 150 to 180 very quickly and doesn't come back down within 10 minutes. Borderline diabetes is when your sugar levels are between 120 to 130. Over exercising can cause carbon dioxide levels to become excessive in the body and for the heart to function poorly. We breathe in about 80% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. Poisonous nitrogen destroys tissues and cells. Nitrogen goes directly to the liver, while oxygen is picked up by the blood.

Carbon is one ingredient in the composition of carbohydrates. When you eat too many carbs and lack the ability to perform the starch conversion process, you create starch poisoning in the body. All starch foods must be converted from a starch to a sugar, by the enyzmes ptyalin and amylase. The rate of the heartbeat is regulated by the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood. The more carbs you eat, the more damage your heart will receive. If you enjoy eating carbs, be sure to buffer their acidity with alkalizing leafy greens. The adrenal glands have an outer cortex that deals with things like shock, pain, excitement and stress. The inner medulla of the adrenals regulates the movement of blood, blood pressure and sugar levels. The adrenal glands are a part of the endocrine system and are located above the kidneys. They secrete a variety of hormones, including adrenaline and two steroid hormones, aldosterone and cortisol. When cortisol levels are constantly being elevated from stress, it can damage the adrenal glands.

Cortisol shots for arthritis will also damage the adrenals and heart. Overtime, heart attacks can also raise cortisol levels in the body. Natural sugar is needed for fuel and energy in the body. After certain carbohydrates are digested, a portion of their sugar contents are naturally stored as glycogen in the liver. As a fuel reserve. The liver will release the sugar as wet sugar, back into the bloodstream. If the body's sugar levels are low, which is usually in the case of hypoglycemia, at least 200 grams of this sugar is stored in muscle tissue. If you do not have movement of your muscles from exercise on a regular basis, the sugar remains stored in excess. If your diet is deficient in adequate natural sugar or complex carbohydrates, the body will begin to take your fats and proteins to convert them into carbs.

Fruits, healthy fats and complex carbs need heat to be burned off, so these foods should be eaten when your body is at its hottest state. Never eat these foods when your body is at a cool temperature. It is best to consume these foods between 11:00 a.m. And 5:00 P.M. when the weather is hot. When you eat your fats or carbs, remember to buffer their acidity with leafy green vegetables. Do not consume these foods at night and if you must eat fruit prior to 11:00 a.m. in the morning, you must be sure to burn off the sugar quickly with exercise. Be sure to also increase your fiber intake, as it does not need an enzyme to break it down.

Eat solid meals during the intake phase of the day, so that the body is able to digest the food properly. Never drink cold beverages with your meals because it can create extra fat in the body. Remember, never go to bed with food in your stomach and for each meal that you consume, you should be producing a bowel movement. Remember, the correct way to have successful weight loss is to eliminate waste from your core. To do this, you must Always Be Cleansing.

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